

The first English academy only for adults and professionals in Jaén

Innovative methodologies

Future learning

Online and face-to-face classes

We adapt to your schedule

Different levels and personalized classes

Basic, intermediate and advanced

exam preparation

Official exams intensive training: A1+2, B1+2 y C1+2, IELTS, TOELF, Aptis, Cambridge…

intensive classes

Intensive classes for specific needs and intensive thematic trimesters

training for trainers

Learn about our teaching methodologies and how to apply them in your classes and group dynamics

A new way of learning is possible

Adult growth and training

SomosThinking was born to enhance the English skills of adults,, business people and independent professionals, from different sectors, who need security and determination when selling their potential, their personal brand, and their business, applying different techniques and methodologies to learn, like Gamification.

No exams   –   No pressure   –   No homework


el arte de aprenderla experiencia de aprenderlo divertido de aprender

Meet SomosThinking team

Passionate about our work and firmly convinced that there are other ways of teaching and learning. Working day by day for the growth and training of professionals and companies.

Ahmed Alzaghoul


Born in Liverpool, Jordanian nationality. Doctoral Thesis on «Toward an Open Educational Resources Quality Model Through Gamification», with the aim of establishing imagination, art, psychology, creativity and innovation in teaching. Games and dynamics designer in SomosThinking, teaches levels 2 and 3 and trains other teachers.


Lucía Morales


Nacida en Jaén. Customer Experience en Cuatro Gatos Coworking y Co-fundadora de SomosThinking. Certificada en Design Thinking y Metodologías Ágiles y formadora en Robótica Educativa y Tecnología de LEGO Education Academy. Dinamiza la comunidad de SomosThinking a través de redes sociales y lleva a cabo tareas de gestión, administración, comunicación y diseño.


Gamification at the service of education

The Gamification uses game's elements to facilitate and improve the attention and participation of the students during their learning.


Get to know our own methodology, combined with others, such as LEGO® Serious Play®, with our own games, designed specifically for our students. We keep adding more and more everyday.


If you want to have our games at your classes, or at your education center or school, contact us and we will customize them for your needs.

En los últimos dos años, más de 100 alumnos han mejorado su inglés con SomosThinking

Our students will tell you

I have been all my life trying to learn English in a correct way, but everywhere they use the same methodology. Ahmed, no only teaches you the language in a fun way, also he motivates you and, without noticing, in a short time you can see the skills you are gaining. They make you feel at home.

Alicia P.


I highlight SomosThinking's professionalism and cozy treatment!! A methodology far from the conventional ones, that guarantees fast results. Without a doubt, one of the best places to learn English.

Esther L.


An excellent option to learn and improve your English level with an interesting and fun methodology. No doubt to recommend it 100%.

Josep B.


Ya puedes solicitar tu pre-matrícula para 2024 y te realizaremos una prueba de nivel GRATUITA

SomosThinking events

Come to the different English networking activities that we organize every month

Breakfasts, coffees, food tastings... a perfect environment to practice and improve your English in real-life situations

English Breakfast


English Coffee


English Beer


English Karaoke


Find us

We are located in Cuatro Gatos Espacio Coworking – Obispo Aguilar Street 2, Jaén, Spain

Visit our blog about gamification (and other cool stuff)

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